Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 19

Almost half way there!

Well, this week has been pretty uneventful, unless I am feeling the baby, but I'm not quite sure.... hmm... I could be almost positive. We are getting closer to June 11--the day of the "gender" ultrasound. Baby sure is growing. I measured how long the baby is, and put it up to my stomach. I have no idea how everything is still fitting inside of me!

By the end of this week, baby will be 8.5 oz, 6 in.

The First Nesting Urges
So, yesterday, Ben and I went to WalMart together, and I drug him down the baby isle to look at all the things we will need for the baby. He's not too excited about me wanting to buy everything but I told him that I was just "nesting." (AKA trying to get the home ready for the baby.) Ben wants to wait until we know if it is a boy or a girl, but I have a feeling, I just might buy a few gender neutral things before this week is over. I just can't help myself. (Benefits: This whole pregnancy will become a reality if I have a drawer full of onesies, and bath accessories in the bathroom.) Yay!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Week 18

Well, Ben and I went to the doctor on Monday. His name is Dr. Meredith, with Targhee Women's Clinic. We were hoping to have another ultrasound, possibly one that would reveal the sex of our baby, but we quickly learned that we are supposed to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound. I was so spoiled to have an ultrasound at every visit with the last doctor. So at our visit we only heard the baby's heart beat. The nurse said it was nice and strong--144 bmp. It was comforting to get to hear the heart beat. This is becoming more real to me as time goes on. My fears and doubts are beginning to subside little by little. SO! Important: Our next doctor's appointment is June 11th at 3:00pm. That appointment will include an ultrasound. Mark your calendars and be sure to check back with us. I hope it doesn't take too many tries to see the baby's sex.

How the baby is growing:
Well, for those of you who love bell peppers, this is your special week! The baby will grow to the size of a bell pepper, but please don't eat the baby!

The baby is as big as a bell pepper. (7 oz., 5 1/2 in.)

As of lately, I have been trying to tune into the different movements and feelings located in my belly. I am not sure if I have felt a true kick, but I very well could have. There is so much commotion down there, that I haven't really figured out what exactly I am feeling. So, as the weeks progress, I'll try to feel more carefully for the kicks!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Week 17

It is sad to say, but I am writing this post facto. It was a nice and pleasant week. My only complaint was a serious headache. I think I will attribute it to the rainy weather we were having. Other than that, I have been busy with school. I scheduled my doctor's appointment for Monday, May 11, 2009 at 2:40. It will be the start of my 18th week. I hope that they do an ultrasound so we can find out who we are having! Is it Jacob, or Embree? Well, we aren't officially decided on names, but those are the two floating at the top. We will let everyone know what we know! Lets just hope the baby isn't shy!

The first belly picture!

We had a Mother's Day photo shoot last night. I tried to capture the belly in the best way possible. Ben was a great coach. We have decided that I am "bumpin." Haha! We took quite a few pictures, and I thought this picture showcased my "bump" the best--I don't think I look all that amazing. The skin still needs some clearing up! Where is that "glow" they talk about? : )