Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 19

Almost half way there!

Well, this week has been pretty uneventful, unless I am feeling the baby, but I'm not quite sure.... hmm... I could be almost positive. We are getting closer to June 11--the day of the "gender" ultrasound. Baby sure is growing. I measured how long the baby is, and put it up to my stomach. I have no idea how everything is still fitting inside of me!

By the end of this week, baby will be 8.5 oz, 6 in.

The First Nesting Urges
So, yesterday, Ben and I went to WalMart together, and I drug him down the baby isle to look at all the things we will need for the baby. He's not too excited about me wanting to buy everything but I told him that I was just "nesting." (AKA trying to get the home ready for the baby.) Ben wants to wait until we know if it is a boy or a girl, but I have a feeling, I just might buy a few gender neutral things before this week is over. I just can't help myself. (Benefits: This whole pregnancy will become a reality if I have a drawer full of onesies, and bath accessories in the bathroom.) Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Okay Alicia, I'm ready for another update. Hope all is going well.
    Love ya! ~Stephanie W.
