Enter my new plan: Trimester Posts!
For the first trimester, as I mentioned in an earlier post, around week 9/10, I started to get really sick. I had killer heartburn! But it wasn't normal heartburn. I was experiencing acid reflex. Not reflux. I made the mistake of not eating smaller meals, and when I ate a big meal, my body kicked into full digestive swing, and produced a lot of stomach acid. Problem was, it was making too much! So I would eat, and about an hour later, my stomach would be in horrible pain. If I snacked a little, it would help use up some of the excess acid, but it was still too much. Pepcid AC didn't even phase the fiery furnace in my stomach. I remember having heartburn with Eve, and thought that maybe this was just a girl thing, but not to be! This baby was a boy. So all cards are thrown out of the deck each time you get pregnant. Each time is different!
Besides the heartburn, I had a lot of fatigue. At about 3:00 pm, I could fall asleep standing. I had to take a few naps during this trimester. Luckily Jacob already knows the program, so if I could get Eve and John asleep, Jacob would play quietly by himself, within my earshot. He's a champ!
Foods I was craving: I was definitely wanting to eat hamburgers and french fries. I craved a lot of things I ate growing up, like meatloaf and potatoes. The other killer craving was for bread. I had been eating a gluten free diet when I got pregnant, but the cravings were so strong I caved! I just wanted a piece of toast! Was that so bad? Toast and donuts. Yeah... maybe donuts aren't such a good thing. But I craved them anyway!
Pictures of Me! Hooray!
7 weeks, 2 days
9 weeks, 5 days
Glinda for the witch party!
11 weeks, 1 day
Thank you for the update, very nice site.. Prenatal Chiropractor